sound recording from 30/6/22 >>>
Performance Description

TIMING IS DIVINE = A DRUMMING ritual, a performance of LOUDNESS, RHYTHM and DRIVE. Inspired by sexy stars = rock stars / celestial deities - this 30min drum / vocal solo recites the gnostic poem “The Thunder, Perfect Mind” (4th century AD), as well as cheesy love songs and Swedish folk music. By playing with the themes of numerology, holy patterns, chaos / order - the aim is to trigger physical sensation, possibly invoking a hypnotic state in the audience. Sprung from the desire to tell another story, which ultimately may not be heard on top of the ambient chaos - but rather felt. Shit is complicated. Let this be an exorcism.
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» For I am the one who alone exists,
and I have no one who will judge me «
>>> research statement


28/6/24 Ruthin, Wales @ Ruthin Castle (during Ruthin International Arts Festival)

5/4/24 Berlin @ 90mil (during "Das Zwischen" event)

2/2/24 Düsseldorf @ the pool

28/1/24 Amsterdam @ WIHH gallery

27/1/24 Nijmegen @ Extrapool

26/1/24 Rotterdam @ varia / extratonal

25/1/24 Strasbourg @ Bastion XIV

24/1/24 Zürich @ Kulturhaus Helferei

21/1/24 Koper @ Skladišče Libertas

19/1/24 Buje @ Open University Buje

17/1/24 Celje @ Špitalska Kapela

16/1/24 Graz @ Kunst Klub Kräftner

13/1/24 Leipzig @ galerie intershop

12/1/24 Dresden @ Zentralwerk

11/1/24 Chemnitz @ Lesecafé Odradek

10/1/24 Leipzig + LIVESTREAM @ Hitness Club

8/1/24 Berlin @ 90mil

6/1/24 Copenhagen @ Ladder Space


at Cirkulacija² in Ljubljana, Slovenia

at Arkaoda in Berlin, Germany

at Konsthallen in Trollhättan, Sweden

for the opening of Café Witch
at Antoniuskirche in Graz, Austria

Destination Atalante
at Atalante in Gothenburg, Sweden

As part of 13festivalen
in Bergrummet at Konstepidemin in Gothenburg, Sweden


for the opening of Independent Dance's
"International Festival of Learning" in London, UK

at Bergsjöskolan in Gothenburg, Sweden
part of Gothenburg Fringe Winter Showcase

at Bubblan in Gothenburg, Sweden

30/06/22 &
at Goldsmiths University in London, UK
as part of the MA Performance Making 2022 festival "Blisters"
full performance video can be shared if requested
>> audience leaflet

“The performance, Timing is Divine, is a startling solo drumming work with vocals, a kind of invocation with transcendental energy. Truly compelling and commanding as a performance, it also showed rigour, integrity and craft – all distilled into one of the finest performances I have seen for some time.”

- Nikki Tomlinson
Co-director ID (Independent Dance London)

“This piece, now showcasing professionally, embodies adventurous and authentic artistic practice and I would absolutely see her as an emerging artist already working at a high level and as someone who will continue to develop.”

- Graeme Miller
Lead Artist Tutor
MA Performance Making, Goldsmiths University

“As audience, we were drawn into a suggestive storytelling through the pounding, thundering, rumbling beat of the drum. The ritual lasted for 30 minutes, but no one could tell how long it had been, because time as we know it ceased to exist and became a here and a now, a boom and a bam. If you get the chance to experience this performance, take it.”

Elin Flognman
Artist, Producer Art Gallery Trollhättan

“This mesmerizing performance piece offers a profoundly transformative
experience that immerses viewers in the captivating stream of musical
consciousness. Its seamless oscillation between spoken narration, enchanting vocal utterances, and familiar melodies leaves a lasting impression. The intuitive order in which these elements are woven together showcases divine timing, continuously surprising the audience. Each encounter with this extraordinary experience leaves me yearning to revisit it time and time again.

Agnes Momirski, Artist and lecturer at WDKA Rotterdam

"Timing is Divine feels like spinning around some centrifugal force, like a magical joyride, a roller coaster through memories from different lifetimes. As an audience, you are so mesmerised that you can't look away, though there is a strong urge to close your eyes and just listen. A powerful, calming, funny and beautiful performance that hits the sweet spot between the intellectual and the intuitive.”

Hanna Magdalena Gödl, Co-director Gothenburg Fringe Festival, Producer IlDance
Goldsmiths University in London
July 2nd 2022
Video still by Lizet Chavez Prado
The Pool in Düsseldorf, 2.2.24. Photos by Heinke Haberland
Bergrummet at Konstepidemin in Gothenburg
during Trettonfestivalen, January 7th 2023
reportage from Slovenian TV 'MEGAFON'
about the show at Skladišče Libertas in Koper, Slovenia, 21.01.24
Antoniuskirche in Graz
April 30th, 2023
Photos by Helene Gödl >>>

+ This performance features an excerpt of the poem ‘The Thunder, Perfect Mind’ from circa 4 A.D. discovered inside a clay jar in the Egyptian desert in 1945, along with 51 other gnostic manuscripts – texts once thought to have been entirely destroyed during the early Christian struggle to define "orthodoxy". The discovery and translation of the ‘Nag Hammadi library’ has provided impetus to a major re-evaluation of early Christian history and the nature of Gnosticism, questioning how patriarchal early Christianity may, or may not, have been.

+ Elvis Presley, Can’t Help Falling in Love with You

+ Uti Vår Hage (Out in our Meadow), Swedish folk song, age unknown. There are speculations whether the flowers, plants and berries mentioned in the lyrics might in fact comprise a recipe for an abortion potion.
Video still by Lizet Chavez Prado
“ The performance, Timing is Divine, is a startling solo drumming work with vocals, a kind of invocation with transcendental energy."

- Nikki Tomlinsson, co-director Independent Dance UK
" The intuitive order in which these elements are woven together showcases divine timing, continuously surprising the audience."

- Agnes Momirski, artist and lecturer at WDKA Rotterdam
"Timing is Divine feels like spinning around some centrifugal force, like a magical joyride, a roller coaster through memories from different lifetimes."

- Hanna Magdalena Gödl, co-director Gothenburg Fringe Festival,
producer ILDance
Skladišče Libertas in Koper, Slovenia, 21.01.2024. Photo by Francisco Tomsich.

See TV feature below
TIMING IS DIVINE 2024 tour poster
>>> " the alchemical drummer "
artist statement